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Some Highlights from our Week in School

A brief round up of what the children have been doing in school this week ...

Some highlights from our school this week:   

Year 6 have been preparing for the year 6 SATs assessments next week. Good luck, Year 6!

Year 5 have been writing a newspaper article based on 'The Miraculous Adventures of Edward Tulane.'

Year 4 have completed their dystopian narratives around The Wild Robot Protects. We have also been enjoying looking at shape and lines of symmetry in maths.

Year 3 have been writing setting descriptions based on the text 'The Boy Who Grew Dragons.'

Year 2 have been collecting vocabulary in preparation for a writing outcome related to Roald Dahl's 'The Twits.'

Year 1 have been making Cutty Sark sculptures using card. 

Reception have been observing caterpillars turn into cocoons.

Nursery have been discovering facts about the 8 planets in the Solar System.