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Some Highlights from our Week in School

A brief round up of what the children have been doing in school this week ...

Some highlights from our school this week:   

Year 6 have been preparing for their mock SATs week next week. They have also been writing a short narrative based on 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley.'

Year 5 have been creating art based on European portraits.

Year 4 have written non-chronological reports about pollution and climate change.

Year 3 have been learning about the duration of time in their mathematics lessons.

Year 2 have been constructing sentences based on a first person recount based on 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley.'

Year 1 have written alternative versions of 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley.'

Reception have been reading 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley' and making Earth Day promises. 

Nursery have been enjoying sustainability week, learning about how to look after their earth whilst taking care of animals.

Nursery have been learning all about dinosaurs and songs related to them.