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Teacher Focus

New Year's Resolutions

The New Year is a perfect time to recharge, reflect, and, most importantly, set a New Year’s resolution. Often, these resolutions are based on fitness and being more productive. Let’s see what our teachers are planning for the year ahead… 

Miss. Travers: To go on more walks. 

Mr. Delaney: My New Year’s resolution is to give up trying to do New Year’s resolutions. 

Miss. Mitakos: My resolution is to pass my driving test. 

Miss. Bradley: To go on more walks in the fresh air.  

Mr. Mitakos: To make sure that I put things away after I have used them so that I don’t get an accumulation of things by the end of the week (in my house and my classroom!).  

Miss. Sladden: To make sure that I read more books. I love doing it and I have lots that I need to get through! 

Mr. Arding: To only buy five pieces of clothing in the year. This will help me to consciously consider the impact that I have on the environment. 

Mrs. Park: To maintain my active and healthy lifestyle. 

Miss. Hudson: To drink more water. 

Miss. Gomez: To learn a new hobby. It’s a work in progress.  

Mr. Silcock: I never have New Year’s resolutions! 

Mrs. Ebdon: I’m still working on 2016’s resolutions! 

Mrs. Fletcher: To go to more gigs.