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Road Safety week

We have been learning about road safety

This week we launched our new ‘Walk to School Initiative’ to promote and encourage more active travel to and from school. Each morning when the children come into school, they will record how they have travelled.  At the end of the spring term, these results will be collated and the class with the most active travel will win a prize!

The children also took part in a road safety design competition. The children designed banners with road safety messages for the streets around the school.  At the end of the week, a winning design will be chosen. This will then be made up into a banner that will be displayed on the fences around the school.

Last week, the children also took part in road safety workshops. KS1 learnt about The Green Cross Code and how to cross a road safely, whilst KS2 learnt about seatbelt safety, awareness, and focus on the road.