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dare to be different!

Anti-Bullying Week and Dare to be Different Day

This week, the children at Wingfield have been participating in an Anti-Bullying week. As part of the week, the children have been writing a new Anti-Bullying Charter. The Anti-Bullying Charter is written by the children of Wingfield and is a signed agreement on how they feel about bullying, what they will do to tackle it and how they support victims and those who display bullying behaviour. ​This week, each year group have re-written a section of the Anti-Bullying Charter. To finish the week, the children participated in a ‘Dare To Be Different Day.’ They were asked to wear an outfit (or item of clothing) that encouraged them to be unique. The children’s outfits were vibrant, allowing them to express their own individuality. Click below to have a look at some of our outfits!